Thanks to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, technology has had a significant positive impact on our lives in that it has allowed us to become faster and more efficient at our jobs. There has been much fear surrounding ‘robots’ taking over peoples’ jobs. While it is true that lower-level jobs which require repetitive processing are set to become automated, this doesn’t mean that these people are doomed to be without jobs always. They need to take the skills that they have and redevelop themselves so that they can find gainful employment. Otherwise, they will need to upskill themselves so that they can better be able to respond to the jobs of the future.
There are a plethora of skills that people can sign up to learn. Employers obviously want their employees to be as skilled as possible however sending them on all the courses that they want not only requires time out of the office but also requires employers to spend hundreds of thousands of these courses.
Enter nano-learning: a way for people to learn all that they want
We’ve all heard about online learning or e-learning. The concept is pretty easy to work out based on the actual term – in other words, learning online. The term ‘nano-learning’ is a pretty new concept which is not that evident from the make-up of the term.
Nothing to do with science fiction and nano-bots, ‘nano-learning’ refers to a learning programme which aims to get the student to learn about a single subject in a 10-minute timeframe. Nano-learning programmes are always conducted electronically (usually via a smart device such as a tablet or smartphone) and feature video lectures to enhance the student’s learning experience.
As all of Future Self Academy’s courses are great examples of nano-learning, let’s use this as an example.
All of our courses have been created from best-selling authors’ books. He or she will have written about one subject and have a particular purpose in mind when penning their work. Each of our modules takes 10 minutes to go through, and the author has put together a video for each module detailing what they want students to learn from the material. The Future Self Academy platform is totally online and is best displayed using our custom-designed app for smart devices.
What are the advantages of nano-learning?
As we chatted about earlier in this article, a massive benefit of nano-learning is its cost-savings. Not only are courses very affordable, but students can also complete these whenever they want to. All they need is a device with which to access the Internet as well as a stable connection to the World Wide Web.
Companies which offer nano-learning programmes have a variety of course material on offer. This means that students have a wide range of content that they can learn at a fraction of the price. In addition, because nano-learning programmes are typically small courses, the student is not tasked with remembering reams and reams of information in order to pass the course. This means that student satisfaction is straightforward to generate.
What to look out for with nano-learning
Nano-learning has become a hot trend in education. As such, many people have started offering courses. So, the question is, how do you see if the one that you choose will provide you with a valuable learning experience?
First of all, look who is providing the content. If they are well-known in their industry, then the chances are excellent that the course will be top-notch. For example, at Future Self Academy, all of our courses are based on the books of best-selling authors. This means that they are already quality assured.
The next thing you need to do is to look at their customer reviews. If a company has a bad review, this is very telling about the level of customer service that they offer. If someone takes the time to write a useful review for them, then you know that this business has gone above and beyond to make their customers happy.
Are you keen to start nano-learning?
If you want to learn from our best-selling authors, have a look at our course catalogue to find out what variety of courses we offer. Follow this link to find out more.