
What are author-led courses?

What are author-led courses?

Have you ever pondered on the following questions:

  • What types of people write books?
  • Why do people decide to write books?
  • What do they write about?

Well, to answer the first question, all types of people decide to write books. They don’t necessarily have to be brilliant at writing (if they don’t feel that writing is their strong suit. These people often hire writing coaches to assist them with the process) and have a burning desire to let the world know something great that they’ve discovered.

In response to the second question, people decide to write books because they feel that they have a positive contribution to make to people’s lives. Say, for instance, that someone has been successful in developing a business and went through many years trying to get that big idea off the ground. He or she may want to write a book telling people of how they eventually succeeded so that they would be able not necessarily to emulate their path but get the inspiration to carry on building.

This is closely linked to the third question. People write about what they want to write about. The subject matter of their books usually stems from their own experiences which makes the experience of reading the book that much more valuable for the reader as because the author has tried and tested the principles that they are writing about, they are able to write about them in such a way as to be able to bring the reader in and make sure that what they are reading becomes alive for them and inspires them to implement the same learnings in their lives.

The possible drawback of books

Writing a book is a phenomenal achievement that needs to be celebrated. However, there are people out there who aren’t that keen on reading and would prefer to watch videos on YouTube in order to learn what they need. Thus by only writing books, the segment of the population which doesn’t enjoy reading will be excluded from the knowledge that the author has to impart.

This is where the value of Future Self Academy comes in.

We have partnered with the types of authors that we’ve described in this article and have taken their books and have turned these into courses. There is indeed written material in the courses however there are also videos which the authors have put together for each module of their courses which feature them telling students what they would like the students to get out of that particular module which will benefit them greatly.

There are straightforward assessments at the end of each module to test how well students engaged with the material. These assessments are not there to trick you out – not at all! All they are there to do is to help you remember what the author has said in the course so that you can implement these learnings easier in your life because you’ve already internalised them.

If you don’t want to follow the course modules in the manner in which we’ve set out, don’t worry! You’re free to go through the learning material in the way that feels most comfortable for you. However, we do recommend that you finish the entire course as, if you don’t, you’ll miss out on valuable points which the author has to impart.

So, if doing one of our author-led courses is something that interests you head to our course catalogue section to browse our categories and see which learning programme interests you.

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