
Meet Joseph Jaffe

Joseph Jaffe

Joseph Jaffe is the author of five books, a serial entrepreneur, consultant, speaker as well as thought-leader in the spheres of marketing, innovation and change.

Apart from Flip the Funnel, on which this author-led course is based, he has written:
Life After the 30-Second Spot
Join The Conversation
Built to Suck: The Ultimate Demise of the Corporation … How to Save it.

In addition to these, Jaffe has contributed to well-known publications such as:
CBS Evening News
ABC World News
The Wall Street Journal
New York Times
USA Today
Business Week
Ad Age

Joseph is the co-founder of The HMS Beagle, which is a strategic consulting firm that asissts their clients successfully navigate and survive the new realities of business. He also founded crayon and Evol8tion: Evol8tion is an innovation boutique that connects early stage startups with leading brands to partner via pilot programs, acceleration and/or investment Crayon specialises in New Marketing for a New Consumer

Jaffee has a B.Bus.Sc. (Hons) in Marketing, Market Research, Economics, Business Statistics from the University of Cape Town and completed the AACSB Bridge Program. He is well-regarded in the community:
“Joe is one of the very few who “gets it” at all levels … interactive and darkside; and one who can masterfully steer your marketing efforts. Prepare to feel uncomfortable … but richly rewarded for the journey into new world realities.”
Jan Leon Woznick, Marketing Research/Strategic Planning/Analytics

“Eyes widen, eyebrows arch, and the face puckers then smiles to express the Jaffe-juiced “Wow” — the natural occurrence when Joseph Jaffe offers his insights to a brand strategy problem. With The Zlotnick Group, Joseph has without fail come through with the big connecting dots that have led our Group to a breakthrough positioning…and inspired the creative team.

“As terribly busy as he is (it’s always a coup to snag him for an assignment), his obvious joyous participation in life, with family, friends, events “outside” of “work” infuse his ability to empathize and feel the cultural and human cues on the deeper levels we must explore to do our best work. Joseph is a great guy, a great wit, a brilliant strategist…just an amazing, lovely person, who brings out the best in everyone such that you find yourself arriving at breakthrough solutions naturally, surprisingly quickly, seemingly effortlessly.

“Yet, I know how much preparation that takes, and I nobody is as thoughtfully prepared as Joseph. His example is wonderfully contagious, making any group with him in it, a most formidable, unfair advantage for a client to have against any competitor.”
Rick Liebling, General Manager at VSC, an award-winning tech PR agency.

“Joseph uncovered for Pioneer the view on the future of Branding, Marketing and Digital communication. Joseph’s passionate performance & advice has helped me a lot in defining the European Digital Marketing / CRM Strategy & Roadmap for Pioneer.”
Sharon Jaffe, Independent Marketing Consultant & Co Founder of The CyClub Spinning Studio

Joseph Jaffe Courses