Best books into
Author led courses
to expand into your future self
Black Friday Special
30% off all courses!
What are the benefits for you?
Join us on our author led, new generation way of thinking and your future self will thank you for it.
At Future Self Academy we have selected best-selling non-fiction authors and developed unique courses for each book on an innovative and bespoke learning platform. All the authors are renowned thought leaders, passionate public speakers, successful entrepreneurs or intrepid innovators in new-age thinking. Future Self Academy offers knowledge seekers exclusive ability to gain a deep understanding of their expertise through courses on life-changing topics.
Future Self Academy is an internationally accredited CPD (continuing professional development) provider and all our courses are internationally certified.
Future Self Academy is a revolutionary new platform that enables our students to create a better future self. Uplift your future as you take a journey of inspiration alongside our authors who will guide you through every thought process contained in their course. Future Self Academy enables students to cultivate wisdom and enhance personal growth through incredible author-driven insight.
Videos with prominent authors are great for delving deeper into their course’s message and advice. And with Future Self Academy it’s all there in one place, just waiting for you discover much more. Future generations of epic entrepreneurs, passionate people and prosperous individuals get an exclusive understanding of the thinking behind the author’s thoughts, visions and words. We offer seamless and personalized access to our unique author led online courses that are available to you to interact with at your convenience.
Our App
Future Self Academy is a revolutionary new platform that enables our students to create a better future self.
Online Courses
Dive deeper into the authors work with our multimedia courses.
Unique Approach
Absorb ten times more with our unique learning approach.
Progress Tracking
Quiz your learning progress throughout the course.